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  • subman199

Double Vision

As I sorted through some unscanned issues of Swish! today with a view to finally getting them digitized I noticed that there seemed to be similar images cropping up in several mags. On closer inspection it emerged that Gold Star had once again been up to dastardly deeds. Issue Number 176 is in fact Number 172 with a new cover, 177 is 167 and 178 is 173.

I don't have 174 or 179 but there's a good chance they are reissues too. The only hint that the cover gives about the recycled content is that 176-178 are all labelled "Extra Issue" but I'm pretty sure plenty of punters back in the day got caught out by this ploy. I guess that the publishers were confident that very few folk would ever return their item looking for a refund....

Interestingly Num 180 (which I am pretty certain was the final issue) consists of 100% original material.

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