Vol 1 - Vol 7, and numbers 97 - 140 + nums 168-170, 173, 176,177 & 180 of SWISH! have been converted into PDF format and are available to buy - obviously these are generally cheaper and easier to store than the original copies.
Vol 1 & Vol 2 Num 1 of Victorian Temptation are also now available. I believe only 13 issues of this title were published but if you know different please tell me.
I'm not getting rich doing this, the original copies can be expensive to acquire and producing the PDF files is time consuming - any proceeds from this venture go towards collecting new Swish! & related items and making those available.
If you'd like to purchase some PDFs please get in touch with me by the Contact tab or by emailing subman1_99@yahoo.com
The price is £4 per PDF, 3 for £10 or 12 for £35, for larger orders please contact me and we can come to some arrangement.
Payment via paypal is preferred but cheques, bank transfer or cash (at your risk) are also possible.
I'll be working on making issues 142 - 179 available during the next couple of months.