Like many a teenager in the 1970's my first exposure to fetish material was via the pages of the News Of The World and other Sunday papers. Many an article/expose about visits to massage parlours or "House's of Sin" where the journalist concerned "made his excuses and left" just when things were hotting up whetted my appetite for a move to the big city and it's delights.

In the short to medium term I had to make do with reading about such things, I didn't make it to London until many years later.
For me one of the highlights of NOTW and it's ilk were the small adverts for Lingerie catalogues and brochures selling "Marital Aids" and other interesting items. In hindsight the catalogues are somewhat cheesy but theres no escaping the fact that the images imprinted themselves on my young brain, many of the models wouldn't look out of place in an issue of MSSM (indeed one or two actually did appear).

So the big news is that I've built up a little collection of these catalogues and plan to launch a new site showcasing them early in the new year. I've included a few images here as a little taster of what is to come.

For the most part I'm going to concentrate on the 1970's but I'll include stuff from the 60's and 80's too. I'd also be interested in buying or trading any material that folk have in their collections so if that is you please get in touch.
Update: December 2023
Well as per usual everything is behind schedule, no lingerie cataloge site yet which is rather disappointing. Hopefully it'll happen in 2024.